Development Vlog #11 Breakdown

Crafting, New Weapons, New Medical & Stats Systems and More

Vaulting/Climbing Improved
New & Improved Weapons
Carrying Items & 3D Inventory
Modular Crafting System
Lockpicking & Hot-wiring
Tree Chopping
New Medical & Stats Systems
Gore System
Zombie AI & Animations
Multiplayer Additions

A breakdown of Development Vlog #11, posted on May 17th, 2020.

Author Note: This post was made during the Dead Matter development and some of the information provided may be outdated at the time of reading. Some of the images in this post are screenshots from a video, we apologize for the blurriness and low quality.


As already mentioned in our Weekly News Roundup #8 the level designers are currently focused on the town of Canmore and its surrounding areas. The town is nearly completed.
Canmore has become much larger than initially planned, it features many residential buildings, shops, some industrial buildings, a library, an under construction recreation center, multiple N.E.R.A camps, a medical clinic, police station and more...

Vaulting/Climbing Improved

The vaulting system has seen some major improvements, it feels more responsive and fluid than before and the climbing points for the animations have been improved.

New & Improved Weapons

Based on community feedback, more civilian weapons have been, and will be, added to the game. Two new shotguns, the first being an over and under shotgun, which has been in the game before but received new animations, meshes and a set of skins and attachments, and the second being the lever action Winchester Model 1887, bringing the total shotgun count to four.
The M-14 has a complete set of animations now, both 10 round and 20 round magazines are now fully animated, and it features both semi and full-automatic fire modes. The Mosin Nagant has also received a new set of animations.
As shown in our Weekly News Roundup #8, the VZ58 rifle has been added, and lastly two new pistols, a revolver and the TEC-9 which uses large 32 round magazines.

Carrying Items & 3D Inventory

The inventory has received many improvements, carrying objects is now animated instead of being attached to the camera, the objects can be dropped quickly or being placed precisely where you want them to. Items in your hands can also be used to push back Zombies.
The vehicle cargo system has been changed to a 3D inventory system, so you can now precisely put items into the car wherever you wish to. Containers loaded into cars or placed in the world can still be accessed.

Modular Crafting System

A modular crafting system has been implemented, allowing you to modify weapons on the fly, wherever it would be reasonable to do so, like changing rail mounted attachments.
For melee weapons you can, for example, combine baseball bat, nails and hammer in order to hammer the nails into the baseball bat.

Lockpicking & Hot-wiring

As we've shown previously in our Weekly News Roundup #8, a lockpicking system is now part of the game. Besides that, a second mini-game has been created to hot-wire vehicles, which, if you fail, might trigger the car's alarm, alerting any Zombies or players in the area.

Tree Chopping

Not much more to say, you can now chop trees. The resulting logs you'll be able to carry, for loading into a vehicle for example.

New Medical & Stats Systems

A brand new medical system has been added to the game, which is tied into a new stats system, showing you a great amount of details about your characters condition.
Limb health is now something you'll really have to pay attention to, if your head or torso reaches 0 health you will die as a result. Limb health restoration is based on your characters stats, as well as your blood, if you're low on blood, you'll heal much slower.
It is also mentioned that there is no way of magically healing yourself in the middle of combat. Regenerating your health will take time.

Gore System

While not completely finished yet, the gore system has seen its first implementation.


The third person animations for vehicles have been fixed, everything looks now as it should from the outside. More changes and improvements for the vehicles in the game are on the way.


A freelook system has been added, allowing you to quickly observe your surroundings without moving your body.

Zombie AI & Animations

Zombie AI has been improved, while the animations are still a work in progress. The Zombie behavior is more reliable and scalable than before and a new, more robust Zombie spawning system has been added.

Multiplayer Additions

Discord rich present is now supported by Dead Matter, allowing you to easily join your friends in multiplayer.
Nameplates have been added for players and you can now group up with others, how exactly this works and what it means is not being mentioned, the UI elements for this are still being worked on.

New Main Menu

The main menu has been changed and Singleplayer has been added as an option.
It is mentioned that Singleplayer will put a lot more strain on your system since in a multiplayer environment the server will do a lot of the work behind the scenes.


December 23rd, 2021
Great looking game, been trying to find the perfect survival game for years and finally found cant wait to play and keep up the great work
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