Development Vlog #6 Breakdown

VoIP, Procedurally Generated Bunkers, New Weapons and more

VoIP Improvements
Visual Improvements
Procedurally Generated Bunkers
NERA Camp Update & Quarantine Zones
New Weapons
New Melee Weapons
Melee Bash & Bayonets

A closer look at the 6th Dev Vlog, posted on February 7th, 2019.

Author Note: This post was made during the Dead Matter development and some of the information provided may be outdated at the time of reading. The images in this post are screenshots from a video, we apologize for the blurriness and low quality.

VoIP Improvements

The ingame VoIP (Voice over IP) has been greatly improved, it now takes your surroundings into consideration, meaning if you're inside a warehouse for example there will be a slight echo. This will also apply to masks, which will muffle your voice.

Visual Improvements

Lead artist Shirk has been working the past three months overhauling large portions of the map making it both look and run better.
The lighting system has been changed, resulting in a less flat looking environment.
All foliage in the game has been replaced and is now 100% self-made, no more placeholders or third party assets.

Procedurally Generated Bunkers

Some of the bunkers in Dead Matter are now procedurally generated, which is tied to the server. Meaning that every server will have a different layout of the same bunker. A great feature to keep the Gameworld fresh and more interesting. The bunker's art design is not where it should be though and will receive some changes in the future...

NERA Camp Update & Quarantine Zones

Developer Nomad has finished up the NERA (National Emergency Reaction Agency) Camp that we saw in the previous Dev Vlog. Using the same assets, there will also be quarantine zones in random locations on the map, dangerous places with many infected.


the game now allows players to climb ladders, a basic must-have system. But not just this, there are also step ladders which you can carry with you and place down wherever you want.

New Weapons

Another batch of weapons was added to the game. The AKS-74U, MP7, and an unnamed Shotgun. The Mosin Nagant has been updated to higher quality.

New Melee Weapons

A whole bunch of melee weapons were added to the game, there is now a total of 26, some of which will get more appropriate animations soon.
Crowbar, oar, rake, sledgehammer, mattock, kayak paddle, bolt cutter and more...

Melee Bash & Bayonets

You can now push back zombies using a melee bash, or make use of your bayonet, if your weapon has one.


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